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Networking for change

Networking isn’t something many people do for fun. Usually it can be found somewhere just below ‘doing your timesheets’ in the list of Things You’d Least Like To Do At Work.

But sometimes networking can be good. Sometimes, we’d argue, networking can even be great. Wait, wait - hear us out. We recently became a certified member of a truly excellent network – WEConnect International. It was set up to connect women-owned businesses to buyers around the world who want to work with more diverse companies. It’s such a win-win situation – women-owned businesses get introduced to well-established companies, and those companies get to work with a diversified supply chain. It’s networking for change – something we can definitely get behind.

We believe passionately in what WEConnect stands for, because we know from experience that companies want to bring more diversity into their workplaces. We started working with the great people at Roche over a year ago, and it’s going pretty well so far. So much so that Roche has included a case study about Skin and Blister on their website as an example of how working with an agile, women-owned business has delivered brilliant results for them.

When you start a business, having people to cheer you on is so important. At first that’s usually your friends, colleagues and relatives (thanks, Mum). But, when a company like Roche believed in what we were doing and wanted to support our mission of putting the care back into healthcare communications, that’s when we started to feel confident we were doing something right.

So if you’re a women-owned business, we’d definitely encourage you to check out the WEConnect website. And who knows, maybe we’ll see you for a slightly awkward chat over a vol-au-vent sometime soon.

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